Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Colormax Watch - Fireworks 17inch model (Rasta Found in the process)

I have been enjoying collecting this Colormax series very much, they seem to flow very well for China made and they are pretty darn cool too.  I have all of the 17-inch ones - Geometric, Paintball and Rainbow.

I noticed something weird about the availability of these lamps that has been going on for a while now, the LavaWorld website has them in the crappy and undesirable 14.5 inch sizes, while Spencer's seems to get the same designs in the 17 inch sizes I actually want.

Of particular desire to me is the Fireworks model.  I have been checking my local Spencer's for the last number of months hoping this one will appear on the shelves in a 17 inch size with no luck so far.However, just the other day I walked in and they had a new model that isn't even on the LavaWorld site in the 14.5 size- It is called "Rasta" (pic of mine flowing with packaging attached).  This one basically changes from Yellow to Orange as it flows upward. I love it!!!

I have been watching the forum here and no one seems to ever mention these models as they come out etc.  I am kind of a quiet guy here, but since no one else is doing it- I guess I have too :)  I would like people to post here when they spot a new model, either colormax or the non-colormax (example- plaid and tie die), but with screened bases (17 inch or larger only- all I care about anyway).  I am most interested in what's at Spencer's or any other physical store as that is where I have the most luck getting clear globes on these babies.

I really want that Firework one, please Lava Lite- release it!!!

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I don't care much for the base designs on these, however the bottles in these lava combinations are just wonderful. I have three geometric ones those are my favorite. I think I would definitely get a couple of these Rastas. this makes me want to go to spencers tonight and see if they have them. They would sit well next to my red Clearview and the purple yellow Clearview

I love the firework also but haven't seen one either.  Might have to find one on ebay.  And I agree about the flow, surprising for china lava!

My Spencer was the opposite, they had several Fireworks Colormax lavas, but only one of the paintball which I bought. I saw the Rasta one too.

17-Inch Fireworks Colormax?! You saw those at your local Spencer's? When, recently?
The Blob said:

My Spencer was the opposite, they had several Fireworks Colormax lavas, but only one of the paintball which I bought. I saw the Rasta one too.

Yes, they were 17 inch. I was there earlier today.

Well, you made my day there- confirmation they exist. Now just to get one at one of my Spencer's.  There is a location at a mall a bit farther from me, maybe I'll try there. Just in case, can you divulge the Spencer's location you saw them at, city state etc? Maybe I can have them ship one as a last resort....
The Blob said:

Yes, they were 17 inch. I was there earlier today.

Orland Square mall, Orland Park, Illinois

Even if they had them at my Spencer's they would probably be crap!!  Seems like every lamp I pull out of the tube is damaged.  I swear I think my Spencer's puts taken back merchandise on their shelves!!!  not to mention their selection sucks.  Weird because corporate is right around the corner.

That rasta looks nice! I just got the paintball colormax, and I can't believe how nice the flow is. I'll definitely be getting more of these.  This (partially) restores my faith in Lava Lite after the nightmare of 4 non flowing heritage grandes!

Spotted fireworks 17" colormax at spencers florida mall orlando

I really like the new (ish) range/s that LL are bringing out - the new heritage, clear views and there base and globe designs yes the flow is crap and quality not grate but just for design its really good, shame they don't sell them in the UK.

It is surprising that LL don't sort out the Spencers under there nose - mabie they have not thought about it or just cant influence indervigual spencers.

Awesome!  I'm in South Florida, maybe my Spencer's will get some soon...
Phil Harris said:

Spotted fireworks 17" colormax at spencers florida mall orlando

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