Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I was contacted by a great friend today, who shared the distressing news that some "scumbag yuppies" had bought his building and he was being kicked out of his longtime apartment (Chicago).  As a result, he will need to unload a significant number of lamps, parts, etc.  Exact amount of goodies TBD, but should have a better idea this weekend.

I have volunteered my basement as a storage option, so I sense the majority of the goods will be in possession.  I told him that me and my Tacoma are at his disposal all weekend.

This thread is meant as a placeholder and head's up.  Start licking your chops and fine tuning your wishlists.

To keep things real... I am not a thrift shop.  Don't expect $5 Centuries and $20 Giants.  My friend (and fellow Oozing Gooer) is a connoisseur of fine motion lamps and I will be looking out for him.  Those who have transacted with me should know how I operate though.  Admittedly a little slow to get items shipped, but fully transparent in conducting transactions and borderline psycho in terms of packaging lamps.

I will not alloow him to sell everything as he has a collection that I bow down to.  To wet your appetite, he does have a handful of Colossi (yes, as in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).  Numerous Goo Kit customs, double-digit Grandes/Giants, etc.

The official sales thread is actually a sales album, and can be located here:  Black German Shepherd Sale

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Some of what I brought home so far.  Will need several more trips.  Glitter Grande in the bed of the truck.  Most if not all for sale (minus what I latch onto).

Whoa.....great collection!!!!  Shame I'm collecting unemployment right now!!!  My timing is always off......lol

Maybe things will change and you will soon be treating yourself to some "Yay, I have a new job" lava soon.    I have a feeling I will be selling these lamps for months (due to sheer volume). 

And agree about this being a great collection.  Was really feeling for Patrick as he is not handling this very well.  As he put it, this essentially ends things for him as a "hobbyist" and that's a major bummer.  As you can tell he had the lava bug something fierce.  I am being a good friend and am challenging him on pretty much every lamp he is considering selling.

Carol Morrow said:

Whoa.....great collection!!!!  Shame I'm collecting unemployment right now!!!  My timing is always off......lol

Hi, Jim.  These are some nice lamps.  Sent you a PM.

Jim, I am sure you will be a great friend to him through this. After all, these are the material things in our lives. Although they make us happy, at least he still is alive and well. Can he keep at least a few to take to where ever he is going instead of going cold turkey like that?

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