I was contacted by a great friend today, who shared the distressing news that some "scumbag yuppies" had bought his building and he was being kicked out of his longtime apartment (Chicago). As a result, he will need to unload a significant number of lamps, parts, etc. Exact amount of goodies TBD, but should have a better idea this weekend.
I have volunteered my basement as a storage option, so I sense the majority of the goods will be in possession. I told him that me and my Tacoma are at his disposal all weekend.
This thread is meant as a placeholder and head's up. Start licking your chops and fine tuning your wishlists.
To keep things real... I am not a thrift shop. Don't expect $5 Centuries and $20 Giants. My friend (and fellow Oozing Gooer) is a connoisseur of fine motion lamps and I will be looking out for him. Those who have transacted with me should know how I operate though. Admittedly a little slow to get items shipped, but fully transparent in conducting transactions and borderline psycho in terms of packaging lamps.
I will not alloow him to sell everything as he has a collection that I bow down to. To wet your appetite, he does have a handful of Colossi (yes, as in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Numerous Goo Kit customs, double-digit Grandes/Giants, etc.
The official sales thread is actually a sales album, and can be located here: Black German Shepherd Sale
Views: 3197
I don't believe Patrick has a table for any of his colossus lamps, but I will ask him this evening.
The two big dogs he indicated he is bringing over this evening...
Jim, are you moving any of the empty kit lamps yet? I have some goo left, I would like one!!!!
Going to do my best to make some serious, serious progress on getting some of these lamps out of here. Will update you later this weekend to let you know how things are going.
Carol Morrow said:
Jim, are you moving any of the empty kit lamps yet? I have some goo left, I would like one!!!!
I certainly do Carol.
And to everyone, I do apologize for the delay in getting these lamps shipped out. "Overwhelmed" would be a good description of how buried I currently am with these things. Patrick got a first hand look last evening. In gathering as many lamps that would fit into my little Tacoma each weekend, neither myself nor Patrick had an appreciation of the mass quantity of lamps he is looking to move.
This lead to an initial apology to Patrick last night. I sent him through the garage with the Colossus lamps last night and the garage is jam packed with lamps I have been unable to move down into the basement. Lugged those heavy bastards down to the basement and he saw the mass of lamps that had been moved down there. Its absolutely stunning.
But Patrick needs to be out by 9/30, so Sunday appears to be the last day I will be venturing to his old place to pick up lamps. He will likely also move a few more Colossus lamps into my home as well, but he needs to drive those up in his rig.
Carol Morrow said:
Thanx Jim, you know where to find me!!!
Today I received my Fluidium from jim.
Well Packed !!!!!
As described !!!!!
Warming up now....
I saw the pic Todd!!! It's absolutely stunning!!!!
Shipping is temporarily delayed as I was just laid off my job of 19+ years. I will have ample free time to get these transactions completed, but just not right now. And please, shed no tears for me, this was not intended to be a pity party post. Just trying to be transparent and explain the delay.
Thanks Erin - sucks today, but likely "the best thing that ever happened to me" a few years from now. Especially if the new job is closer to home and eliminates my 90 minute (each way) commute.
Erin said:
I'm so sorry Jim. :( That really sucks. :(
I know you will only come out of this a better person Jim. Your commute did indeed suck. Don't be afraid to lean on those who care of you - that's what they're there for and I know you'd do the same for them.
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