Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I picked of a pair of 52oz lamps at Spencers today, clear/green and clear/purple, and was wondering what the best way is to break them in.  I plan to run them for 6 hours today as the sticker on the globe suggested, then tomorrow I was going to buy a lamp timer so I do an on/off schedule.

What do most people recommend?  I was thinking a 6 hour on/off cycle 24/7 for a couple weeks.

FYI, I would have LOVED to get some of the new Heritage Centuries, but LL wants $55USD to ship to me in Canada. :(


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I also have a question about liquid swapping.  Again, due to the lack of selection in Canada I was thinking I would buy a few more clear/green (they had a ton of these at Spencer's along with blue/red, orange/black, purple/yellow and do a fluid swap on them so I can get clear with red, black and yellow.

I was thinking I would just pour out the coloured liquid, fill/rinse the glove/wax lump with distilled water, dump that then pour in the clear liquid from another lamp.  Has anyone done this before, what's the best method? 

Thanks again.

After the initial run, I don't think there is really that much more to do.  Just when you do run it, make sure to run it long enough (usually at least 4-6 hours) for it to get a good flow going.

Ah that's a bit disappointing.  My Neon purple is still a bit stiff, but the green is pretty great.  I suppose I can get another purple or two when I attempt to do the fluid swaps on whatever else wax colours I can find at Spencers.  Does anyone have any tips/tricks on doing fluid swaps with the china lamps?

Also, both my neons have some lava splatter on the globe, is there any easy way to get it off with a heat gun or boiling?

I'm kinda excited that I got my lava itch back now that the china lamps quality has improved!  I bought some silver base aristocrats from Spencers like 5-7 years ago and they were CRAP.  Super cloudy and I had to make my own springs for them, which have now rusted.  Not to say that the china lamps are great, but they're acceptable and much more economical for me in Canada vs the limited and expensive section on ebay.ca

My Classic had some small blobs stuck to the globe, simply running it cleared them up.

Any tips on doing liquid swaps and rinsing the wax blob at the bottom of the globle?

Never done that but I'm kind of a newbie around here.  Hopefully some of the more experienced members will share their experiences and tips.  I'm interested too since I'm thinking of doing a fluid swap on my recently acquired Midnight.

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