Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A big thanks to Pete for selling me his Crestworth Galaxy and dropping it off in person. Nice to met a fellow goo head face to face. I was wondering if any one on here who owns a Galaxy has brought any of these in the links below? And are they worth buying, especially the colour wheel motor.





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The pleasure's all mine Bill.........great to meet you and your good lady wife and I hope you're both enjoying the Galaxy.

A spare colour wheel motor will always be handy to have as it could potentially be the first part to wear out with all the slow moving cogs and gears inside it.....a wise investment too with the increasing rarity of this lamp.

Personally, I'm not struck on the perspex stand.......it's a faithful copy of the original but I would prefer to see it standing on something more funky & retro, like Lucy's (Ford Prefect) giant cotton reel for example....lol !

im not keen on the stand either pete, i have stuck mine on a small aluminum tube

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