Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi Goo Heads
I've managed to get my hands on a Crestworth Galaxy but she's missing a few bits. The gearbox for he colour wheel motor and bulb holder are missing, I don't suppose anyone here has any replacement parts they'd like to sell please? Or perhaps a suggestion as to where I could look for said parts? Would be nice to get this beauty up and running again.
Thanks for reading.

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I have all the guts if you want to make it original\
The fan doesn't work, and cannot justify the transformer is good because I didn't test it
You can have it all for $25+ shipping via paypal

PM me

I replaced everything with a Programmable LED standard USA screw in base 

Oh my days! That's amazing, I wasn't really expecting anyone to say yes, especially not in the first post within a few hours of starting the thread. Thank you ever so much Claude, you Sir are now on my Christmas card list.
I've tried to upload some pictures of the Galaxy from my phone but for some reason, I can attach photos but can't write any text in the subject or discussion text? Will have to upload pictures via PC tomorrow, when I find the right usb lead.
Thanks again Claude, I'll pm you now.
Kind regards
Iain aka Tribble.

Your certainly welcome.

The pics are in my photos but will try to reattach here.

Getting ready to move and this will assure they dont get lost.

All the guts are  already bagged up.

I figured someone could use them. I just didn't expect anyone mneeded them this quickly.

Tribble said:

Oh my days! That's amazing, I wasn't really expecting anyone to say yes, especially not in the first post within a few hours of starting the thread. Thank you ever so much Claude, you Sir are now on my Christmas card list.
I've tried to upload some pictures of the Galaxy from my phone but for some reason, I can attach photos but can't write any text in the subject or discussion text? Will have to upload pictures via PC tomorrow, when I find the right usb lead.
Thanks again Claude, I'll pm you now.
Kind regards
Iain aka Tribble.
That's a beautiful collection Claude, you've got some real gems there and they all look superb. Crystal clear fluid on every singe one, how on Earth did you manage that? That Lunar is so beautiful, definitely my favourite Mathmos lava.
Love the TARDIS too, you certainly have great taste imho. I've just finished another spate of watching all Dalek and Cybermen episodes from the original season to present day. "I am your servant" was always bound to end in tears. lol
Your Union Flag is upside down btw, the broad diagonal white stripe should be at the top on the side nearest the flagpole. :) Easy mistake to make, most Brits don't even know how to hang it properly.
Hope your move goes smoothly.

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