Here we have some custom lava colors I made with existing 90's lava globes. They are as follows:
1. Orange- I did not like the #15 color orange, it seemed too washed out to me, so with the advice of this forum, I made sure to be sparing with the Red when making it. I took a Yellow #08 and a Red #10 and combined them to come up with the perfect (in my opinion) Orange Lava. I used 7/8 parts Yellow to 1/8 part Red to achieve this great result. I have placed it in the photo next to a Red #10 for comparison.
2. Baby Blue- This one I was not as happy with, as it came out looking like a very light Teal color. This one I did before the Orange, and I learned a lesson about dominant colors. When I first attempted it, I combined 1/2 White Lava with 1/2 Blue #13 and it was very dark, barely different from the Blue #13, but then I adjusted it by removing half of the botched dark result and replacing it with the other 1/2 White from before, this makes the combo really 3/4 White and 1/4 Blue #13. The result is what you see in the photo. I am going to reattempt this one by taking more away and replacing with more white to get the lightness of blue I am really going for, when I finally get around to it, I will post a photo.
As far as the process goes, for those that may want to try it themselves, especially for the great orange one, here is what I do:
1. I pop off the top, and pour the liquid from both globes into a holding container, usually a large Water Bottle (Zepphire Hills in this case).
2. I melt the wax, by placing it on a base turned on, until it is good and melted, at which point, I pour each color into it's own round tupperware container.
3. When you pour it out, some of the wax will stick to the side and remain in the bottle, if you really want to get it out, remove the coil from the inside with some tweezers and place it in the microwave (No bottle cap) propped up with a napkin so it doesn't make a mess, microwave on high for a minute- this will heat the glass and cause the wax to melt and gather at the bottom as liquid. Take it out of the microwave with protection on your hands, as it will be hot as hell, which is good because now it won't stick to the side when you immediately pour it into the tupperware with the rest of each particular color.
4. Cover both tupperware containers with their lids, to keep out dust or other foreign material, and place in the regrigerator on a level shelf to cool and harden. Use the freezer after it hardens to the touch if you want to speed this up, but most freezers do not have a level shelf at least not in mine (it is stuffed to the max). Hour in the Frig, 30 min in the Freezer should be enough.
5. Get out a cutting board (plastic, no wood) and hopefully this is a flat one, with no texture to it. You could also use a glass or ceramic plate. Also get a sharp knife. Place the tupperware container upside down on the surface, and push the bottom, and the wax should have contracted because of the cold and should fall right out in a round shape. Cut it into the appropriate size for example to make orange, take the Yellow wax, cut it in half, then take that half and cut it in half to get a fourth, then cut the fourth in half to get an 1/8, place that 1/8 back into the tupperware and store away in the frige, you will not be using it- you could throw it away too if you want. Now, do the same thing with the red, only this time keep the 1/8 on the cutting board and discard or store the large 7/8 portion of red wax, maybe to use on another custom (your choice).
6. Cut these in such a way that you will be able to fit them into the bottle (hint: lengthwise), take one of the bottles, preferrably the one that had the lighter- less dominant color in it (Yellow in this example) and push the wax into it. Make sure if you took out the spring, that you have put it back in before the wax.
7. Now place it (with no liquid) on top of a base for melting. Once it is good and melted, swirl it around to mix it. If it looks too dark, it's ok, it always looks lighter when all is complete, so do not make any adjustments- go with it. The swirling may cause some wax to stick to the side of the glass, this is fine and it will melt back into the rest of the wax during the first official run- don't worry.
8. Now put the globe back into the fridge, for at least 30 minutes, make sure it hardens sufficiently, go an hour if you want to play it safe.
9. Take it out of the fridge and pour the Clear Liquid (from the lighter colored original globe from the holding container) back into the new lava's globe. Best to do this at an angle to make sure the liquid does not hit the lava too hard and create cloudiness.
10. Finally, cap it back up with your bottle capper of choice- I use a hammer capper with a rubber mallot, best way in my opinion. Then make sure there is no liquid on the outside of the globe (wipe it away if there is) and turn it on. You are done and on your way to glory.