Dear Mods,
Many moons ago, I started a group on this site, after a... disagreement with "Lord Voldemort" (this is the name I'd prefer to use in reference to a former Mod, who is now banned and infamous) I was kicked, and my group was deleted. It had A LOT of good information for making, maintaining, and troubleshooting Lava Lamps. It was called "Lava Ninjas," I'm wondering if it, in some way, still exists and can be reactivated.
It's probably space dust, but I thought I'd at least ask.
Views: 472
Hey Vision where you always known as Vision back then too or did you have a different username? I just dont recall someone by the name of vision so I was just curious. Also I wasn't saying what I had was more important then what you had deleted, but I had over 7 years worth of info, pics, blogs, charts, threads, everything just deleted! so my contribution to this site was HUGE. After I was banned for the second time, I wanted nothing to do with the site period , probably feeling the same exact way you do right now. But I didn't leave, my good friends here made me change my mind and then the next thing I knew I was made a mod along with some other good people and then everything changed for the better. And dont get me wrong dude, I'm not trying to be a dick to you or anything I was just simply saying your not the only one who got f'ed over by him. And what really matters is how things are run now. Holding a grudge or being petty isn't going to score points with anyone. You have to move on, Vision plain and simple.
Dr. What,
Vision is my current handle here, to be honest... I don't remember my previous handles; I went through five of them, and tried to act as differently from the 'last personality' as I could. Otherwise, I would have been banned immediately, After the last ban... I decided to make my own site, but I didn't want to be another "Lava Cave" (it's funny they're no longer around), I got tired of being angry; and I changed it into something else.
It's unfortunate that I'm getting so upset now; when everything has changed. I'm sorry for being a pill. There is a shocking amount of pain when someone in authority... takes something away from your core. On my site, I hope to always be a fair admin.
I'm done whining now. Thanks for being a great mod.
Oh good old Bones who ran Lava Cave, I'm pretty sure he was a victim of the old mod as well I would love to have him here. He was a great lava dude had ton of info and is another gookit pro :)
No worries Vision like I said your always welcome here :)
YAY!!! I feel a very positive energy emanating from this discussion...
Glad to see that this thread has stayed civil. I think we can all see there haven't been any problems here for quite some time. Vision, I hope you stick around and contribute. Seems like you have a lot of knowledge to share.
Going back a bit; I think the handle I used, when I made the group, was called "Ninja Smurf".
& thank you Erin, you're awesome.
Dr. WHAT?! said:
Hey Vision where you always known as Vision back then too or did you have a different username?
Steps have been taken to prevent this from happening again. One bad apple did ruin the bunch but we have a great mod team in place now. We chat in the mod forum about various issues and we all vote on any actions to take place... we actually communicate with each other, something that was not done with the previous mods. Its a long story to tell if you were not here but many people were banned from the site for little to no reason at all. I have been a member of this site almost as long as it has been around ( 15 years ) and I can honestly say it is at its best.
Vision, if I can make a suggestion... Why don't you post your info on your website ( permanently under your control ) and then come in here and do a copy and paste in a post ? I know how you feel about what happened but I can assure you things have changed, your material will not get deleted. It would be a win win for everyone.
Deb said:
That's just wrong. Seems to me these mods had a bit too much power. Not sure exactly how this all went down but seems if a member's years of contributions are gonna get wiped out with one push of a button, it should be a decision agreed upon by all mods and then ultimately the administrator who makes the final call. js
If it makes you feel any better all of the mods had their content wiped in one way or another. Thousands and thousands of photos, posts, blogs, and videos are gone at the click of a mouse. They felt what you felt. When you ban someone you have the option to "delete all content" as well. That option is never used anymore except for the instance of a spammer. That option alone is one of the main reasons we are here today. It wont get like it was before. I wont let it. The new mods here are very relaxed as far as enforcement goes. You have to really deserve it to get a ban now. Deletions do not occur even if someone was a total wad.
If you want to share your information for your site that will not be a problem. The only thing that is not allowed is another site such as a forum dedicated to lava lamps or another ning community. We have to keep the community whole and not let it fragment. Surely you understand.
Vision said:
Dr. What,
I was very attached to this site, I contributed my heart out (I was banned 5 times over 3 years). Comparing your work vs mine is inconsequential. Damage is damage, and damage is done. It's wasn't my design to preach; though it may have turned out that way, I'm sorry for ranting. Have a nice day.
Dr. WHAT?! said:Dude you dont have to preach to us about how it sucks having your group deleted. I had way more invested in this site then you did (no offense to you) and I was ragin when that happened to me but the bottom line is that its in NO WAY liek that here anymore. Just stick around, contribute and see for yourself Vision that's all we can tell you.
I have no plans to swipe members of this forum, or directly compete with this site. That's not my intent.
I have a forum for Lava Lamps, but I won't be posting links. As I update information on my site I will update info here, without referencing my site. However, when I start making and selling custom lamps, in the documentation that's sent via the mail, my site will be referenced, as that will be part of my business, and any troubleshooting between myself and a client will happen via my site.
Autumn said:
If you want to share your information for your site that will not be a problem. The only thing that is not allowed is another site such as a forum dedicated to lava lamps or another ning community. We have to keep the community whole and not let it fragment. Surely you understand.
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Lava_Head_UK |
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Col Mac |
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Modulo '70 |
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