Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite has finally released their "double play" lamp- a lava core surrounded by glitter. It looks pretty, and its a little larger than the 52oz lamps. It says its a 18.5" lamp, as opposed to the 16.3" that is the 52oz. I really want to see a video, and I want to see the lamp in person, but it costs $109.99!! Is it really worth it?? I wonder if it will be successful at all... I will not purchase for that price, especially without seeing a video first... Here is a link to the page. http://www.lavalamp.com/premier-lava-lamp

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Def want to see and hear reviews on this one!!!!  The fact that it only comes in pink is kind of buns also!!!

Well, this won't be on my short list of desired lamps.  But to even consider I too would want to see a video.  I am digging the color combo though.

Jim and I saw the prototypes a year and a half ago and I saw the finished product at Lava headquarters in August. I like the lamp a lot. It is about half way in between the Grande and a 52oz lamp in size. It should retail for $109.95....but there are upcoming holiday sales too that will lower that price.

They do say "purple", but the picture looks awfully pink. Seems an odd choice for a lamp that's only being offered in one color.

The one I saw was blue glitter with green wax. I bet more colors are coming.

OOOOohh the blue with green wax sounds nice!!!

Marcel. Yes that is what it is a central tube chamber for wax.


LOL Kirk. Hey. When we going to chat?

Kind of pathetic looking based on the video. I wouldn't spend any money on that. The white base is super gaudy as well, not my style.

lol the price is laughable.

If the flow in the center tube is like the video indicates buyers will be displeased. I hope it has decent wax flow. If it doesn't it would be interesting to goo kit one with wax in BOTH chambers....two different colors of course.

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