Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite has finally released their "double play" lamp- a lava core surrounded by glitter. It looks pretty, and its a little larger than the 52oz lamps. It says its a 18.5" lamp, as opposed to the 16.3" that is the 52oz. I really want to see a video, and I want to see the lamp in person, but it costs $109.99!! Is it really worth it?? I wonder if it will be successful at all... I will not purchase for that price, especially without seeing a video first... Here is a link to the page. http://www.lavalamp.com/premier-lava-lamp

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I would like to do one with two lava colors...or put glitter inside and lava outside....just the opposite of how it is sold.

This lamp is not for me. Way too much money and I think it's just plain ugly!

https://youtu.be/1UixEslNTwY here's a video of it on lava lamp's YouTube
I have one of these and took a video of it:

Thanks for posting the video! Better than the one Lava Lite posted! How do you like it? 

Drew said:

I have one of these and took a video of it:
It's okay I guess. Lava moves a little slow and boring but the glitter is good. My biggest complaint is the color. Wish it was green or blue, even yellow, red or orange. Don't know why when they were only going to make one color, they chose a pinky purple one....
The cap on it is the same as on a Grande by the way...

Erin said:

Thanks for posting the video! Better than the one Lava Lite posted! How do you like it? 

Drew said:

I have one of these and took a video of it:

Looks like a grande but with larger expansion plug..and two stage

i think it's awesome. i'd just paint the base cause i dont like the white either and they def need more color options

It looks like that sealing system can be removed to empty contents and reused.  I like the colors as is (school colors, lol), but that's a hefty price to consider for modifying.

It's a interesting concept and I have to give it to LL for trying different things yes the price is a bit steep and there promo blurb about it is quite a lot of spin to say the least 

If it does make its way to the UK I would probably get one as i do like the unusual lamps. 

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