Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok guys as most of you probably know the EU has started banning the incanasdent bulb.

To clarify what's going on and the time scale of it all hear is a time line I dragged of this sight.


The white cells indercate the bulbs to be banned and the time scale of it.

This therefor means that:

- September 2009 bulbs which up to 100w were started to be phased out

- September 2010 bulbs which up to 75w were phased out

- September 2011 - bulbs up to 60w are phased out

- September 2012 - all tungston bulbs are to be phased out

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I dont think they are going to ban them completely.. Here in Denmark its not possible to buy 100 watt bulbs in a normal store anymore.. However i can go to a electricity store and buy a 100 watt bulb.. They told me that they could sell them because they write the label "special" on the box for the bulb..

That doesn't surprise me - i think the thing is that they are trying to change the way people light there homes - from incandescent sources to floursents and led's etc.

In the entertainment industry we use lots of high wattage tungsten bulbs and there doesn't seam to be much worry about the ban so i guess this is labelled as 'special' as well.


Da9L said:

I dont think they are going to ban them completely.. Here in Denmark its not possible to buy 100 watt bulbs in a normal store anymore.. However i can go to a electricity store and buy a 100 watt bulb.. They told me that they could sell them because they write the label "special" on the box for the bulb..

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