Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

good morning guys

i am looking for any info on trying to fill dings in a lunar cone, i was thinking of using solder then rubbing it down, would this work? has anyone tried anything like this before,

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Chris,  as you know i've got a couple of dings in my cone.  I'm considering taking mine to a car body repair shop and have them "sucked" out using a paintless dent removal system.  I've just googled and found a method using dry ice of all things, (link below).


Skip past the advert and see what you think.....



looks to easy to be true dont it, but it may work, let me know how it turns out

LOL, me too.


If I'm ever lucky enough to own a Lunar I will drink champagne from the cone ;)


BTW Pete, I used to keep/breed Lake Malawi cichlids too.

George said:

For a moment I thought you said filling drinks in your Lunar cone.LOL

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