Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

 I just wanted your take on this.  i want to make sure it survives the postal guerillas.


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A great find and a bargain especially with Halloween around the corner!
Smashing color... get it.. ... Smashing Pumpkins...lol

Get the seller to ship it in the box wraped in packaging paper so you dont spoil the box and also get him to wrap the globe, base and cap sepraptarly in bubble wrap and also pack it with newspaper etc.

I try to tell sellers how to package lamps after a seller dident package a astro and it got smashed in the post.

It should be fine as its in its oringial box and it looks as though the seller wants to look after it. 

Thanx guys! ya i sent this seller several emails and showed examples of proper shipping.There's a guy selling ceramic icons now with pics of to properly ship these.
 Ha Ha as long as it'snot a smashed mr. punpkin!

kiramarie said:
Smashing color... get it.. ... Smashing Pumpkins...lol


 Well he wrote back

Matt, I mailed mr. pumpkin today via usps. i was going to mail it priority, but it would have cost me $50 because the package weighed 16 lbs 10 oz., it did cost me $20.96 and the clerk said it should arrive in 7 days. Let me tell ya, I packed him very, very good in a heavy duty box with lots of protection inside so i know it will get there safe, don't worry. I also added delivery confirmation which the clerk said you can track on www.usps.com. The usps tracking number is 0311 0820 0001 0951 5220. Anyway, please let me know if you need any more information or have any other concerns. Your satisfaction is my priority. Regards-Mike.

 I'm crossingk my fingures!

Sounds like the seller went the extra mile to make sure its safe. I would not worry at this point. Congrats on the new pumpkin !!

Well here's mr. pumpkin! He arrived wraped in 2 pillows. The metal sleeve still tight No Problem!

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