Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So.. Am I crazy? 

I'm so fed up with my P/Y Colossus and its crappy/stuck/non-existent flow, I'd totally consider a glitter conversion.  Only problem is I don't want to slaughter dozens of glitter lamps to make it happen (although it might be cheaper than the alternatives.)

Has anyone figured out a formula for glitter fluid? And what kind of glitter would I need? I've never made a glitter lamp before (yeah, I know, I'm crazy) but I think a Glitter Colossus (Glitterossus?) could be done. 

If there wasn't a reasonable brew-at-home glitter fluid, I'd consider making a vortex using this pond LED lamp and this crazy expensive thru-the-glass pump. The pump can be turned down to 200GPH, which is pretty slow.  Maybe not as lazy as I'd like, but still slow. The pond LED lamp can be set on one color or rotate through colors like the Glitter Vortex lamps.  

Okay, unleash your thoughts on me. I can take it!  (No, I did NOT smoke crack with the Toronto mayor today.)

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I found some glitter Grandes about a year ago at a cheap price. Bought them all and kept the glitter inn milk jugs til I moved recently because I goo kitted them. I still have 2 glitter Grandes left, I know one I will goo kit but the other one I am keeping as glitter right now. They are blue liquid and silver glitter.

If you could find 4 more grades or 8 more gallons of the glitter than you would have a refill
Yeah, so that why I'm hoping to scrounge up proven info on how to do this. The PG sounds like a good option as long as it doesn't eat up the glitter. And who knows where I'm supposed to get the glitter?!??

The Grande Glitter is different than the Mathmos/Crestworst one.

I don't know what it is but I tasted it and it is acid.

PG works perfectly but you have to find the mylar glitter (I tried with some pieces I cut from a survival blanket and it is working)

Maybe Loren could help with finding the glitter?

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