Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has anyone purchased from gookits/magma tower recently. I've placed an order thru paypal, money was received but have received no info from the seller. preemptive thanks in effect

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Yes, I placed a recent order for 6 quarts and it arrived within a week (shipped Monday)


Received an email today that purchase is fine and on track to ship Friday. Thanks to the responses I received from the communiity

Yes they usually ship on Fridays

I remember when i ordered 3 gookits a while back. I didn't hear anything either for some time, and was concerned like you were.. Seems this is just how they run things :-)

it was when i started looking at their facebook page posting dates and website dates that made me a little concerned. found this site and forum and the community here came thru with good info.

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