Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I absolutely HATE IT. I hate how sellers bitch about taking additional pics when they're trying to sell their damn item and how they get back to you days later and its already too f late and someone else already bid. I hate how sellers' jack up shipping charges and how you inform them and they bitch saying well it's a heavy item. EBAY CAN GO TO HELL along with all their god damn sellers!!!

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Hey Matt, would mind editing your language a little. We do have younger ones who use this site. Thanks

I agree it is frustrating when sellers don't reply quickly. And the shipping is outrageous from some sellers. It is their way to make sure they get the profit that they want. But good bargains are out there. BTW, I much prefer garage sales. You can't always find lamps, but they are normally very inexpensive.

Yea but sorry about my language sometimes I get carried away.
Yes, that happens.

Peace, Love and Lava!
Well it's kinda hard not to use eBay cuz I've seen many NIB lamps pop up and I know I can't drive to the mall and get them. Craigslist is also a pain.
I don't usually have bad experiences with ebay though i have a couple times. Craigslist is usually where i encounter problems. I always find something so i email the seller and they either never reply or reply after the item has been sold
I dig ebay and have few problems. If a seller won't respond promptly, complains about a request, overcharges on shipping etc I simply do not buy from them regardless how bad I want the item. I will not support crappy sellers.
Keeps my ebaying fun and problem free. (I had 2 issues in 2008, both times got my money back thru paypal resolution center.)
we use auctiva for auctions you can put up to 12 pics...and ebay charges you for 1 pic
some people have no clue what it costs to send a lava lamp 12.00 is the cheapest we have ever sent a lamp priority..the buyer was close by....15-18.00 from coast to coast ....PA TO CA...thats for a properly packed lamp....bases cost from 5.00 to 8.oo for just a base to send...............people still bitch even when you charge them actual shipping.......
I love ebay. I've gotten some of my best lamps off of there for a steal of a price.Never had any problems man.
bohdan...everyone on ebay takes paypal now...its mandatory you have no choice....unless its a pickup
Ebay is the best place for me to get lava lamps, AND action figures! ; ) I agree with woodvtech if the seller is crappy just simply do not buy.
I bought a lot of 3 lamps not long ago. The seller put them in a box. (Just set them down in a box....on the bases....no bubble wrap....no packing peanuts...glass banging against glass.....) Wrote "FRAGLE" (didn't even spell fragile right--for God's sake!) and mailed them out. Needless to say I recieved a wet box of glass and mangled bases with a few chunks of wet slippery lava sliding about. I was NOT HAPPY to say the least!!! Then the seller says, "Sorry, but you didn't buy insurance." So if there is idiot insurance out there....I need to buy some!! That being said, I have recieved lots of lamps in good condition. It's just the dumb-asses that stick in your mind.
Happy lamp hunting!

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