Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello all,

Just wanted to post a small intro. Pushing 60 years old here, a kid of the 70s. I just have one lava lamp from when I was a teenager. Running rather lackluster at this point. I'd like to refurbish it, trying to change the wax to maroon and the liquid to clear, spray painting the base and the cap to black. Luckily the cap is the screw on type.


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Hey Randy, welcome to OozingGoo!  Beautiful lamp you have there, too bad it isn't running like it used to.  Have you recently moved it to a different spot?  If it's in a draft it may not be heating up enough.  Also on some older lamps I have had to use a 60 watt bulb instead of a 40 to get it to flow, but this can easily lead to overheating.  You can use a dimmer to control this if you go this route.  

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