Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Fans,

Last fall when Marcel bought a new Mathmos IO lamp to use with his glitter bottles he posted the Yellow/Orange lave bottle he chose for sale on the forum.  I didn't pick up a IO (yet) but I was definitely interested in the new Yellow/Orange bottle Mathmos was making.  So when Marcel said he was selling his new Y/O bottle I grabbed it up for my Lunar.  I was not sure if the IO bottle contents would run well on the Lunar since they are using different light sources and perhaps a different formula, but I figured with all of my lamp experience I could make it work if it didn't.  

Well, the bottle (and a few other goodies...more on those later) arrived from Marcel yesterday and I can happily report that the formula in the Y/O IO bottle runs in a spectacular fashion on the Lunar base!  I fired it up this morning for its virgin run and it is magnificent!

See pic of it in action:

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Hi Bill,
the bottle and the Lunar are a dream and I love the combination orange / yellow. I bought 3 lunar bottles in O / Y 3 years ago. In 2017 Mathmos filled this combi the first time for the Lunar! 

It is a great color combo!!!

I posted this picture and info hoping to help those who wonder if the formula for the IO bottle and the Lunar bottle are the same.  It appears to be the case that they are.  Since this bottle right now is exclusive to the IO I was not sure until I ran it if it would flow well in the Lunar. It appears that the Lunar and IO even though they use different light  bulbs can run bottles interchangeably.  

The orange-yellow combo is available to buy as a bottle only via Mathmos

 As far as i am concerned they are the same formula?


Yes that is now true and I noticed that the other day as well. Initially when the IO arrived this color combo was not available as a stand alone bottle, just the other two tired Lunar color combos that have been available for years.  I began to wonder if somehow the formula might be different since the IO uses a 80 watt halogen and not a 100 watt incandescent.  I posted my experience here just to share that this bottle flows just as well on a Lunar as it seems to on the IO.  Now if Mathmos will just offer some added color combos.  

I am glad Mathmos made the IO as it should help ensure that they will keep making Lunar compatible bottles, since more lamps that run these bottles will be in use.  


The orange / yellow combo looks fab! Is the masterfluid staying crystal clear?

Critter said:


Yes that is now true and I noticed that the other day as well. Initially when the IO arrived this color combo was not available as a stand alone bottle, just the other two tired Lunar color combos that have been available for years.  I began to wonder if somehow the formula might be different since the IO uses a 80 watt halogen and not a 100 watt incandescent.  I posted my experience here just to share that this bottle flows just as well on a Lunar as it seems to on the IO.  Now if Mathmos will just offer some added color combos.  

I am glad Mathmos made the IO as it should help ensure that they will keep making Lunar compatible bottles, since more lamps that run these bottles will be in use.  



Yes the fluid is crystal clear even after being shipped to me from across the pond.  It creates that typical Lunar flow too, long snakes that twist and stretch in all directions.  I have had to dim it a tad at times though, but it is still breaking in too.  

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