Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Now don't get offended, I am not suggesting that it is. I have had lava lamps for over 30 years and at times have put them away for a few years. Sometimes because of lack of display area, sometimes just because I didn't want to have them out. For the last several years though, I have had at least 1 on display (not turned on everyday) Right now I have 8 that are on everyday. They help to remind me to slow down and think, meditate or just be.
As to OOZINGGOO, well, I am a huge fan of the site and have learned many things by browsing the forums and the archives, as well as asking questions. There are so many helpful GooHeads out there! My question stems from a recent comment on one of the threads that got me to thinking and I realized my reasons for joining the site are multiple.
There are so many things you can do beyond simply setting your lamp(s) on a shelf. You can set up all kinds of displays as shown in pictures from many members.
You can modify your lamps.
You can make new lamps out of different glass containers and metal bases.
You can make your own Goo.
etc., etc.
This site is an absolute inspiration for all things Goo!

Thank you, Mark Goo

and thank you everyone else who makes this site so enjoyable

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You are very welcome KK!
I've been through all the cycles of goo fandom as well; from obsessed to disinterested, EVEN I've seen them all. I've been collecting lava lamps since around 1996. You get so used to them after a while that you forget what it was that you loved so much in the beginning. But one day, you'll look over at a running lava lamp and say - wow, that thing is just friggin' COOL! Or you spot a cheap lava lamp at a garage sale or flea market and you HAVE to get it because it is only 2 bucks or something, and you are right back in the groove. I think custom mods and refurbishing lamps is the way of the future for the collector that has it all.

Having run this site for 11 years, I can tell you that "they always come back". Someone's interest will wain for a bit, and you don't see them around OG. Then out of nowhere they'll be back in action. Take Mandysbus, Anstep, Weebotech and others for instance.

OG will always be here, for the oldies and the newbies.
hey i heard that...................i actually run the lamps more than mandy.there are 3 on our computer desk[and 20 on the table next to it]
what ever happened to weebo?
i hate the 1.00 or 2.00 lamps too..........i just have to buy them..........phil
This site is so cool and the images and ideas very inspirational. I just love lava people too. You all rock!!
It's become an obsession for me. And since joining this site it's only gotten more intense. I mean I had ideas here and for doing things to a lamp and have done so, but now a whole new world of ideas, possibilities, and inspiration has been brought to light. I love this site and all the help every member here is. Thanks for being here!

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