Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Locally I can pick up a blue/green NIB Grande for $77 out the door including tax.  Is this a good price?  I don't have room for such a thing, but thought I could perhaps pass it on and make a couple of bucks in the process.  Not looking to get rich, just to make a few bucks for my trouble and find this thing a good home since it is just sitting in the discount bin doing no one any good.  I suppose after shipping such a thing it would be cheaper for most to just buy their own locally.

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Unless it is one of their new Heritage Grande lamps I am not sure I would put the words good and Grande in the same sentence. If the place your buying it from has a good refund policy then yeah it is worth the risk for $77

You can always take it back then if it's cloudy or does not flow nicely

If your only buying this to make a profit I would advise against it - too much hassle and you would have a hard time selling it for any more than you paid for it.

I agree with MileHigh, Rich.   You won't make much of a profit if that's what you're going for with that Grande.   Even the V2 Version of the Heritage Neon Grandes sell for $99.00 and most everyone is having some issues with them.  

All good to know.  I can see through the hand holes of the box and it looks clear sitting there, but who knows what it would do once it was fired up.  My recently acquired Midnight looked great, until I ran it for the first few times and it clouded up in a hurry.

Looks like one to give a pass on.  It was marked as $120 full retail so I thought maybe that was the typical starting point.  As it is, it is only marked down to $89.99 (and I have a one-item-only 20% off coupon) so whatever margin there may be in it is pretty non-existant.

Maybe after it languishes in the discount bin for a while longer it will get marked down even further and I can consider it again, but then if they are real hit and miss as far as being cloudy or bad on flow, maybe it is a good one to avoid regardless.

Anyway, thanks for the quick input.

Ha!  Just did a quick ebay search and there at least two I could buy shipped to my door (used of course) for the same or even less than I'd pay locally.

Keep cycling that Midnight, Rich.  If the wax is not fried or something, it will most likely clear up with 6 hours on and 4 off. Put it on a timer.   Old US LL globes (pre China) usually clear, but it could take a while.   I had a 52 oz. clear/black that was foggy as the dickens and it took "months" to clear.  Now it's crystal........

Most likely someone trying to get rid of faulty Grandes.   Watch out for that, and the pic you see might not be the lamp you get........
Rich C said:

Ha!  Just did a quick ebay search and there at least two I could buy shipped to my door (used of course) for the same or even less than I'd pay locally.

I'm definitely lucky. I purchased 4 different Grandes two years ago ($77 a piece free S/H) from SonicElectronix off of Ebay, and all 4 were crystal clear.


If it is local pick-up, have them open the box and if it is clear, then it should be fine. For resale, Milehigh is correct, too much of a hassle for little profit.   

Just got a timer and dimmer yesterday.  It is on a strict 6 on/6 off cycle so it will cycle twice a day.  It was clear as can be when I got home (it was off), we'll see how it looks after it warms up.  Recently it has been at least slightly cloudy when cold so maybe I'm making progress.  It has great flow but maybe too much thus the dimmer, but I like the clear/cranberry.  I might even be tempted to dye the fluid at some point for a more exciting look.  I mean, it only cost me $2!  (Not counting the dimmer of course!)

Marley's Ghost said:

Keep cycling that Midnight, Rich.  If the wax is not fried or something, it will most likely clear up with 6 hours on and 4 off. Put it on a timer.   Old US LL globes (pre China) usually clear, but it could take a while.   I had a 52 oz. clear/black that was foggy as the dickens and it took "months" to clear.  Now it's crystal........

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