Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

i found this on dayton's craigslist but it doesn't seem like the swirls i've seen before.

if it's super groovy, hope someone gets it. it's only $5!

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No it's not and I have been trying for a week to arrange a pick up going tommorow so is it gets sold before I get there I will die
They will not ship !!!
Nice! Good luck guys!
Sorry i took all the luck, just got home with it yay. ( 5 hours on the road sucks lol ) Will post pics tomorrow.
Sorry man, you no i couldn't pass it up though lol. I seen that it had made it's way on here and i thought o hell so i called the lady back and told her i would get it tonight instead of tomorrow ! and the rest is history.... O and it a bought time i got some luck lol I've gotten 3 lamps in the mail in 2 days and all three are damaged.
Yesterday i got a "like new orange elictrik with box" well first the shipper didn't send the box and second the cap was bent all to hell, chipping a large amount of the paint off. So i open the second package ( different shipper ) it was a black lava brand rocket and somehow the globe was fine but one of the legs was broken clean off! And after i come home just a little bit ago from getting the haze lamp i see a package on the porch o yay it's my simpsons lamp open the package and wow it in about 5 pieces, broken all to hell! "Do you still blue/white 32oz?" , sorry, huh, need ?? Yeah i got a blue electric the other day and the lava was dead and i have another blue white but it looks like crap because its really faded. This hobby sucks sometimes I'm getting really depressed every good find i get turns out to be a turd!
at least i'm not the only one willing to drive hours for lava.
now, how do i convince my girlfriend that it's not that unusual....?
Show her this post lol. If it's a really good deal what's a couple hours.

Very nice lamp! Lucky find!
Holy snike, that's a nice lamp! Congrats Wayne!

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