Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So how many of you have lamps at work? I am considering bringing a giant to work just to see what people say.

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Another one added (thanks bosslady! $2 garage sale find - the rocket):

Hmmmm. is it the one on the right?

Erin said:

New setup at work, lava-wise. One of these is not a lava lamp. I'll let you think about it for awhile.

LOL Jerome. I'll never tell. :)
Wow! that middle one looks good enough to eat!

Some of my lamps at work...


Simon, that's gorgeous!

Giant and fluidium.

That giant is delicious. 

After I hit the PowerBall, for $305 mil, on Wednesday, I won't have to worry about taking my lamp to that HELL HOLE!

Nuh uh!

Mattmos said:

After I hit the PowerBall, for $305 mil, on Wednesday, I won't have to worry about taking my lamp to that HELL HOLE!

Now that you jinxed me, I'm going to have to walk backwards under a ladder, unbreak a mirror and paint a black cat white in oreder to get my luck back.  

Remember us little people when you win. ;)

Mattmos said:

Now that you jinxed me, I'm going to have to walk backwards under a ladder, unbreak a mirror and paint a black cat white in oreder to get my luck back.  

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