Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava head done, but I sprung a small leak! Ahhhhhhhh!

Hey Gang: 


Well, I finally finished my clear red vintage Lava Head and fired it up last night (with a dimmer switch.)  It looked great.  My dinner guests went nuts over it!  I only ran it for a little while as so I can harden the RTV silicone.  Weeeeellll, this morning, I wanted to cycle the lamp again.  10 minutes later I noticed a little bit of smoke and saw some drips on my lighted base.


My problem is that I used RTV to actually set the head into the wooden tabletop after I glued the base to the head (and let it sit for a week.)  It is going to be an interesting adventure separating the two without breaking anything.  I wanted not to have the light shine up over the outside of the head.  This is why I used the RTV around the base.  Now, the light shines directly up and into the head without any overspill around the bottom base.  It does run dark until the lava flows though.  I also think that I will remove some lava because I believe I have too much in the head.


Oh well, back to the work shop I go.... 

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I found out the problem.

My ashtray base cracked! Ask me why? Because I am a moron, that’s why! Apparently, I had the bulb too close to the glass base for my trial run. Yes, Bohden, I let that sucker sit for over 3 weeks waiting for my dimmer switch cords to come it. Also, I RTV'd the entire head inside the wooden table. I had quite the time excavating the RTV out of the table in order to free the head (without dropping it.)

I will say this. It looked great! When I have some time, I will buy another ashtray, build a better base (with more air space), glue it all together, wait another few weeks, and try it again. Bohden: How far is the top of your bulb to the bottom of your glass head? I was using a mini flood type light that came out of my Giant.

I’ll keep you posted when I get it re-done.

On a different note: I sacrificed 3 vintage 52-ounce globes. Two of them came from my Coach lamps (not my copper Coach lamps.) If anyone has an interest in any of these globes and/or my coach lamps (with empty globes), speak up.

That’s it for now.


Thanks Bohden:

I am an impatient Putz!


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