Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

The votes have been tallied. Thank you to all who voted! We had some amazing entries!


The top vote-getter is photo #8, which belongs to Manix5 (aka Brad). Congratulations! :D Amazing photograph! Lava AND a hummingbird in the same pic - stunning!


Our runner up is photo #18, which belongs to Keith! Great shot and congratulations! Great composition - lava and oil! Very cool. 


Again, thank you to ALL our participants and voters. This was such a fun contest. :) I hope to be having another one in a few months, if Mark will let me :)


Brad and Keith, please pick your prize (Brad has first choice) and PM me and we'll get a package in the mail!

  • 1999 BNIB Lava Lite Yellow/Red 8402 (prize donated courtesy of Mark Goo)
  • 1999 BNIB Lava Lite Clear/Blue 8413 (prize donated courtesy of Mark Goo)
  • Lava Lite Blue/White Psychedelic Swirl (prize donated courtesy of Erin)

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Did you post pics of yours yet?


That's my son :D  He's closing in on 3, wore himself out playing ;)

Erin said:
Woo! Love the sleeping kid picture. LOL

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