Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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Autumn said:

Maybe I got lucky but mine still runs great. I didn't run it much on the original base though. You all might have better luck clearing up any issues by running it on a different base.

I checked on my v2.0 grande I get 101v. Also checked my regular grande that has a custom dimmer and got 99v..

The regular grande is a p/y and flows great on that base, warms up in like 4.5hrs and flows at 80% dimmer

Hey Joanne, how long did you leave them wrapped for? Wrap it up for an hour or so but check it from time to time, it should be fine though

i dont have a meter or i would check them

hmm, well then maybe it's not a problem with the dimmer since your lamps flow at those voltages.  i have a bulb extender on the way so i'll give it a try.

Rodrigo said:

I checked on my v2.0 grande I get 101v. Also checked my regular grande that has a custom dimmer and got 99v..

The regular grande is a p/y and flows great on that base, warms up in like 4.5hrs and flows at 80% dimmer

Hey Joanne, how long did you leave them wrapped for? Wrap it up for an hour or so but check it from time to time, it should be fine though

 had them wrapped for over 3 hours .

Yeah these v2 gloves are harder to get to flow that the v1. The bulb is closer but they DO need more heat than the v1 globes. I'm seriously thinking of opening mine and adding glycerin to the water to get it to flow more than just a pea shooter. When it does flow and not as good as the v1 but close, the globe is SO hot compared to the v1 that flows insanely good at way less globe temps

Yea i dont get it the globe is HOT HOT HOT thats why i didnt think of the 'wrap' thing. The dimmer is definitely useless . It gets so hot I am afraid I am going to cook the wax .

Direct quotes from the LL website:

  • "Dimmer switch for quick start"

           As opposed to what, an even longer start?

  • "It is recommended that you do not operate your Lava Lamp for more than 10 hours at a time. Running it less than 10 hours at a time will ensure proper operation and a long globe life."

          Given that it takes my v1 Grande 8 hours just to get moving, that doesn't leave a whole lot of time.

It really is a testament to the affinity we have for these lamps that we're willing to go to such ridiculous lengths to get them to do what they're supposed to do. It makes me wonder what the casual buyer must be thinking when they buy one and encounter these problems. If I hadn't found the wealth of information on this site, I'd have given up on the product long ago.

I agree Rob I would have sat disappointed with mine and never bought another lava lamp again .

Last time I had my v1s on, it took them about 12 hours before they were flowing.
Well, it seems like lava lite took a good product (ver1.0 grande) and did some modifications to the formula and now the ver2.0 is having all kinds of issues.

Yes they raised the bulb and fixed the frozen flow problem because these don't stop flowing and harden if the room temp goes down but they also modified the formula somehow because the 2.0 gets way hotter than the 1.0 but still doesn't quite flow. Glad I've got my 1.0 grande and I'm seriously thinking of opening the 2.0 to tinker with

While the v1 take about 10 hours to warm up, they at least flow. My v2 gets really really hot by 12 hours and up but never really flows like the other one, maybe the coils?

If i really thought it would change things I would not be the least bit upset that i had to spend time 'breaking it in '  But i really dont think this thing is going to change any

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