Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Lite's New Website & The NEW Heritage Collection


The new Heritage Collection will be available to buy 10/28

**Updated the Heritage Collection will be released today on LavaLite Website at 10am CST. Heres a sneak peak!

*** http://lavalamp.com/heritage-collection ***

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Actually it was cooling time not cooking time. They were flash freezing the wax instead of letting it cool on its own. All lamps have a break in period no matter the source. After seeing another photo of the century I think it is garbage if it is stuck to the top.

Critter said:

I too agree that this is the problem, and I believe it is part of the reason that China wax improves a little with runs. I wonder in this case of the Heritage lamps why the Grande wax is fine.....did LL stand over the cooking team for that wax but not the Century/ Wizaed wax? Too weird and sad.


Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

As I understand it, the problem with the China flow wasn't a formula change. Rather, the batches need to be 'cooked' for a set period of time, and the factory was cutting that time in half (or even less) in order to produce more lamps, faster. The big reason for returning production of the liquids to the USA was that the China factory would do things correctly when told, but only when they were being observed. As soon as the eyes (webcam) was off, they'd cut corners again.

I'm having stuck issues at the top on my century, once it cools it comes off though.

I also dimmed my grande last night after about 13 hours and I guess the brand new wax needs more heat because my P/y grande was flowing fine dimmed but the pink slowed down and got chunky, it also got cold in the room so that could be it too. I just turned it off cuz it flowed beautifully for 14 hours but now it's warming up again to flow. The grandes definitely came out good, makes me wanna pick up a green one.

My Grande is still flowing awesomely. I turned it on last night at 5pm and it's running still. Awesome flow. I still have a few small smears/bits of wax by the bottom, but I think I know how to get those off. Overall, I'm IMPRESSED.

Firing up the Wizard for the third time this weekend. Hoping the flow improves. 

Same here Erin! im totally blown away and impressed by my grande. I thought it would arrive cloudy but nope, crystal clear and flows amazing and with a pinhole black base to set it all off.

Im gonna let mine flow for another 12 hours since its in a cold corner of the house and it flows so good for so long, barely needs dimmed as of now, but that will probably change as it breaks in.

I uploaded some pics there.

Gorgeous! I really love mine. I can't wait to get the green. I'm going to be in trouble if they put out more colors of these Heritage Grandes!

Erin, I turned my Grande back on about the same time yesterday that you did, and it's still running beautifully too.  No overheating or anything and flow is also awesome!!   I am so happy with this lamp!    How long can we safely run a Grande?  I've not even had to turn down the dimmer, it's running full blast and not running hot at all.   I don't want to burn mine up, but I don't want to turn it off either.   ;-)

My Wizard seems to be doing somewhat better too, but just has "blobby" flow, no snaky flow, just a few stretchy blobs occasionally.   Maybe the more we run it, the better it'll get!   Fingers crossed!

I have the same concern - how long can you run them? I don't want to turn mine off, either! TOO PRETTY! 

Can't wait for the green. :)

Marley's Ghost said:

Erin, I turned my Grande back on about that time too, and it's still running beautifully too.  No overheating or anything and flow is also awesome!!   I am so happy with this lamp!    How long can we safely run a Grande?  I've not even had to turn down the dimmer, it's running full blast and not running hot at all.   I don't want to burn mine up, but I don't want to turn it off either.   ;-)

My Wizard seems to be doing somewhat better too, but just has "blobby" flow, no snaky flow, just a few stretchy blobs occasionally.   Maybe the more we run it, the better it'll get!   Fingers crossed!

Way too PRETTY to turn off!!!   I have the feeling that the Pink will soon be coming here too!   Someone please tell us how long we can run our Grandes.....  ;-) 
Erin said:

I have the same concern - how long can you run them? I don't want to turn mine off, either! TOO PRETTY! 

Can't wait for the green. :)

Marley's Ghost said:

Erin, I turned my Grande back on about that time too, and it's still running beautifully too.  No overheating or anything and flow is also awesome!!   I am so happy with this lamp!    How long can we safely run a Grande?  I've not even had to turn down the dimmer, it's running full blast and not running hot at all.   I don't want to burn mine up, but I don't want to turn it off either.   ;-)

My Wizard seems to be doing somewhat better too, but just has "blobby" flow, no snaky flow, just a few stretchy blobs occasionally.   Maybe the more we run it, the better it'll get!   Fingers crossed!

Yeah id like to know a specific amount of time we can run these. I feel pretty comfortable running them for 15 hours or so obviously watching the temp, as long as the dimmer is used they probably wont overheat and it took my pink one 7.5 hours to full flow without the wax hardening as it split, so today its gonna run another 12-15 hours

Maybe what LL should do instead of it having an all out China or USA production they have part of the lamps made in china and then ship the empty globes, bases caps and bulbs over here to the US and have their filling facilities, formula, wax etc production over here to they can make sure there are no corners cut in the formula AND they can bring the USA formula back and fill the globes here, essentially chinese made bases and glass but "hand filled" in the US with good old usa formula..

I sadly don't think we'll see US production again. I think that promise went away when Dale left as CEO. 

I've never had to use the dimmer on my Grande yet, and it shows absolutely no signs of overheating.  It will have been running for 24 hours at 5 P. M. today.   That's counting that I turned it on at 5 yesterday, and it did take several hours to start flowing.  
Rodrigo said:

Yeah id like to know a specific amount of time we can run these. I feel pretty comfortable running them for 15 hours or so obviously watching the temp, as long as the dimmer is used they probably wont overheat and it took my pink one 7.5 hours to full flow without the wax hardening as it split, so today its gonna run another 12-15 hours

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