Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lavas are now $12 at Menards, got a slipper slimey green/white heh sloppy production?

They went off sale but I'm thinking that the day after Thanksgiving for their crazy early bird sale that they will go back to $9.
I got the green/white. The top of the globe had white waxy film on it and the whole side of the glass is slippery with solution. Are their quality standards so low that now the 20 ozers have wax and solution slimed all over the globes>???? scary just I never had a bottle like that that was slimey ewww slippery solution
talk amongst yourselves!

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Yeah I buy em cheap and stack em deep! As much as I bitch about the 20 ozers I like them, I'll take what I can get for cheap these days. All the money I spent on the China garbage I could of ordered a Mathmos lamp from the freakin UK!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey the Menards in Homer Glen, IL by 143rd and Bell. I'm out by Orland Park. They have alot but I'd wait to see if they go down in price for the holiday sale on the day after Thanksgiving! I don't go anymore cuz it's a madhouse, they have good deals but all the sale items are spread out all over the store and you have to push people out of the way, it's just way too crowded to go there waking up at like 4 in the morning to get there early!!!!
See I miss this in the UK we just don't get cheap over here, even the cheap nasty ones are expensive.
Whats $9 about £5, I pay that for a pack of bulbs!
I was at Menards today and they had an end cap display running- orange/white, orange/purple, green/white, purple/red, pink/white, and blue/white. All of them had clear fluid, some flowed ok, others blah. I was interested in getting a green/white but I'll wait for a USA made one. The orange/purple really caught my eye though! The wax looked more reddish than purple, kinda cranberryish. If they fix their flow issues and put it in a 52oz size I would buy one!
Yeah the orange/purple is cranberryish or like grape or strawberry jelly, the orange makes the purple fuschia but not like super bright, it's different.

The green/white I got is super clear and flows well, no white flakes or chunks like most of my other 20s have.. i love the bright lime green color

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