Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Ok, I've been on here for a few months now and thought it'd be nice to see what everyone looks like (since we'll likely never meet).

Who wants to go first? :)

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Correct on both counts, Lib!

It's great to see everyone.

Marley's Ghost said:

Autumn is a pretty little lady, great pic!!!!   And Kirk and gang have all had one too many Scotches........LOL

howdy ! very nice pic !! ( and yes i half expected to see the face paint too LOL)

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Walking the dogs this morning.

I like the goatee too. Nice jeep. But I still love my 78 VW convertible OK im kinda obsessed over her LOL. The last pic made me giggle love it.

Ben said:

So I finally read all 22 pages of this thread. I guess it's my turn.

This is me clean, with one of my other hobbies (Jeeps!) and my beloved goatee:

And dirty (another hobby, racing!):

And to pay for my Jeep, racing, and lava, me at work with an appropriate sign at the County Fair:

I miss the goatee. Can't have anything below the corners of the mouth so I can have it on vacation only. Boooo!

Joanne said:

I like the goatee too. Nice jeep. But I still love my 78 VW convertible OK im kinda obsessed over her LOL. The last pic made me giggle love it.

Ben said:

So I finally read all 22 pages of this thread. I guess it's my turn.

This is me clean, with one of my other hobbies (Jeeps!) and my beloved goatee:

And dirty (another hobby, racing!):

And to pay for my Jeep, racing, and lava, me at work with an appropriate sign at the County Fair:

You'll have to excuse the hair, I'm in the process of UNdreading lol

nice lamps at work.  what are they?
Autumn said:

Just another day at work.

This photo is from a number of years ago, but I'm even prettier now!


Hahaha I'll take the Rob Zombie comment over the Duck Dynasty any day lol

Absolutely Chonzo! LOL

Chonzo said:

Hahaha I'll take the Rob Zombie comment over the Duck Dynasty any day lol

My wife and I... I have the lava problem.

Great picture, Nick.  Your wife looks a bit like a younger Renée Zellweger, but much prettier!!    

Thank you Marley's Ghost! I read your comment to her, she awwwed and said thanks Marley's Ghost!

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