Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Basickly i have a idea of making a glitterball (not from scratch) - the situation and idea is as follows:

I have a astro glitter - it isn't the usual mathmos glitter with big glitter pieces and water like master fluid - the globe i have got has glycerine fluid (it is thick and syrup like so i can only assume its this) and very small glitter particles  - it does flow but takes a while to get going and isn't very fast.

I am thinking that adding Mathmos wax to this formula and mixing it in with the glitter would make a glitter ball as it seams as though all its missing is the wax.

Hear is a picture of the globe

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Good luck!

Use a cloudy globe's wax as a donar. I'm not sure just regular wax would work, but it's worth a try. 

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