Views: 4430
Same packaging for me, too, Todd.
I have another package on its way from Forward2Me - Heritage Black Astro with Clear Liquid/Orange Lava for Libby, Silver Astro with Yellow Liquid/Pink-Orange Lava for me, and a Green Fluidium bottle for me, too! $92 for shipping DHL.
I'm VERY impressed with the Forward2Me service!
Todd Miller said:
My lamps/bottles arrived today and are warming up !
They came in no frills plain cardboard boxes, not
like the older mathmos with all the graphics.
My flow issue is it's cold in the basement last night.
Temps dropped and we finally got snow.
They flow beautifully when warmed up. My lamps
run on 240v
A shame to hear Mathmos has dropped the waxy, stylish, full-color packaging. And this takes lights.com off the hook for selling imposter products. I used to buy all my electronics at a place called Service Merchandise. Everything there was packaged in plain cardoard with minimal markings. I kinda liked it, more industrial lol.
Kirk, if you deside you dislike the yellow/orange Astro...look me up, I'll buy it off you! ;)
Todd - gotcha' now on the flow issues. It's cold in Texas, too!
Gunner - I'm wondering if Mathmos is trying to sell off the yellow base/cap Fluidium stock? Maybe new Fluidiums are coming? Maybe not?
All of my lapms from Mathmos has been packaged in regular Mathmos packaging. Not plain cardboard. There is a plain cardboard box around the regular packaging, but it's there. (on mine at least)
Photos of Mathmos Astros?
Delighted for you guys... at last a branch across the ocean........ enjoy the flow :)
I wonder if the cardboard packaging is because of the blue fluidiums being a special run for orders only, not an "in store" item.
Maybye ... just maybe... it might be something about fluids on aircraft.... bomb bomb the bastards drop the bomb!!!
oh dear that sounded so wrong! ... hope my American cousins understood what I meant.
Aladdin 2 Lava said:
Maybye ... just maybe... it might be something about fluids on aircraft.... bomb bomb the bastards drop the bomb!!!
I totally understood Aladdin, but that could actually be a good point. They might be thinking of not actually showing what is in the box, but I'm sure they would know anyway. Hopefully!! Post 9/11 I would hope that it takes more then just not posting a pic on the box of what's actually "in the box" that they would know it's fluids.........
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