Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Mathmos lava lamps with see through cable, switch and plug - Rare?

Hi all, I have a couple of lamps with see through cables, switches and plugs.

I have seen Astro's with the above set up but today I got the Jet from a car boot sale.

I haven't ever seen one before.

Tha Astro is in a filthy condition - looks like it's been in a pubs smoke room, lol.

The Jet is in a lovely clean condition and looks like brand new.

Has anyone seen a Jet version before, if so can you give me some information on it please?

Also, how rare is the Jet?

Thanks, Wazzer.

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I know the metallic astros came with clear wire and plugs. But don't know why other lamps have some clear wires and some white. Most of mine have clear wires and plugs tho so I don't think they are un-common.
Fairly common, I have an Astro Baby with a clear wire.
Thanks both for the info, Wazzer.

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