Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I started a post a while back asking if anyone had a picture of the fabled Red Metallic Mathmos Astro, and no one had one. Eventually someone did post one on their page, and I checked where they were located, and sure enough -England, makes sense.

Well, I had been watching ebay like a hawk and I finally found one, and in new crystal clear condition too. To make a long story short, I actually won the auction. I am riding on a cloud right now- it will be mine soon enough and I can barely wait. My heart was beating so fast at the last seconds of the auction, thank god it is over, thought I would keel over with anticipation. When I think about how excited I am about a Lava Lamp, it is a little embarrassing, but this is kinda one of my holy grails as far as collecting goes.

Here's the link to the item:


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Excellent find. Not a bad price either for such a rare lamp. Hope it makes it here safely for you.
Congratulations on an awesome score and on not going into cardiac arrest! Ebay can get pretty tense when it's something you're really after hey... That lamp looks magnificent, look forward to seeing some more shots of it in action when you get hold of it...
So it was you I was bidding against!! Congrats, I hope it gets to you ok :-)
Yeah, I'm asking the seller to remove the liquid from the bottle, and to pour it into a water bottle for transport- that way, it can not get cloudy. I will just recombine it when I get it in the mail. I have a Green Metallic and Purple Metallic too and the purple one arrived horribly cloudy- useless. Don't want that dissappointment again.
Will do.
I'd say, on the spun of the moment, that's the best looking of the three metallics.
That seller had an awesome jetstream, someone got it?
Congrats on your win, I that's a very nice metallic lava, show us more pics when you get it.

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