Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


i think it came out great! 

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Very cool , I like the middle one a lot , what did you modify on them ?

Hey Bob,

the one to the left is “OE”.  Never opened. One on the right arrived extremely cloudy so all I did was filter it. 
The middle one I used distilled water with PG and SLS, but I dyed the lava to give it the purple color. 
the downside to the purple lava is that not much light gets through. 
I noticed that it looks AWESOME when there’s light behind it. 
let’s say, it’s a daytime lava lamp-or can be a night light!

I like it a lot as well! 

still been trying to make my own lava. 
getting there-slowly. 

Cool , it’s awsome you took the chance to experiment, I really like the purple 1 .  I had to fix one lamp but I just took the water out and let the max boil into one once more so it would flow better . 

that was nerv racking enough . They all look good in the video , maybe the purple will get lighter over time . Hope to see more of your work . 


I have a problem. I want to modify every lamp I get!

Ive melted down the wax to check it’s density, trying to reverse engineer it. 
I tried making CLEAR lava too. But couldn’t get it to flow. 
always wondered what clear lava with some type of colored solution would look like. 
like Terminator stuff??? 
no idea. Gotta get my lava to flow-and I will. 
thanks for your interest. 

share your collection!

O wow that’s cool and wish’s you luck . 

Spencer’s has a moon lava lamp it looks like metal , mine was messed up so I sent it back , I posted some pics of my lamps in pics and vids . I can show some up close pics of the one I fixed also if you like . 

hope to see more of your work !

Yes please share!

If you go to pics and videos is up right now ! , am new here so idk how to link it , I think also you click my name and see what I posted . Hope it works , let me know !

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