Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My $2 Craigslist cranberry/clear Midnight score!

For $2 (yes, $2, no missing zeros!) I expected a beat up piece of junk but it is nearly perfect.  I just hope it flows well.  The hardened blob is misshappen and dislodged from the bottom holding the coil off the bottom so it will take a long time to warm up but I hope the results are good.

There are more pictures posted in the photos section.

$2 Craigslist Midnight, clear and cranberry

I know it's not super rare or anything but I still think it was a great find.  Even the box is in good shape.  The seller had told me it was white/blue like on the box, but the lid of the box is clearly marked as an 18.  The inner box is mislabeled, scratched out and the correct color hand written in.  Odd.

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Nice find. Back when it was easy to open and close the new boxes (unlike today's sealed tube containers) a lot of bases and bottles were interchanged and mixed up while in stores. So it is not unusual for the box labeling to be wrong.


Damn!  This thing warmed up fast, a little over an hour.  My old Century has been on nearly two hours and still isn't flowing yet.  Anyway, this cranberry is flowing like a monster!


Wow, did I ever speak too soon.  After dinner I came back to check on my Midnight and almost every ounce of wax was either floating or stuck at the top.  Much of it was fully of huge bubbles, it looks horrible!  The fluid went slightly cloudy as well.  Since it warmed up so fast, I can only assume it is running hot.  I don't have a dimmer so I'm going to try a 25w bulb and see how it does.  A 40w bulb seems like a lot for a globe this size anyway.

Weird thing is, my old Century not six feet away has taken forever to warm up and is just spitting marbles and it's been running 4 hours so I don't think the environment is too hot. 

This is my first 90s lamp, do they tend to run hot?

Put it on a midnight starship base and see what it does. They seem to run a 32oz globe a bit cooler.

I only have 3 LL, my old original Century, a new Classic and this Midnight.  Not a lot of swapping around options!  The 25w bulb has only been in there a short while but it seems to be running cold now.  I might try swapping bulbs between the Century and the Midnight as one seems hot and one seems cold.

My Century is baffling me tonight.  It has always flowed pretty well, but it is struggling tonight.

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