Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I joined this site a few days ago... in the hopes of figuring out how to make my old 1996 lava lite work correctly.. in the meantime... a few things happened:

1) I decided I would order the small Goo Kit to perhaps swap lava in my Lava Lite
2) I learned about Mathmos... and started looking
3) I kept waiting to get confirmed as a member on the site so I could ask my question about #1
4) Other members told me my Lava Lite 32oz was either not worth Goo Kitting... was possibly still okay... or was worth selling
5) I saw a video of the Mathmost Telstar... wow....must order...
6) I saw the fast glitter globes from Kirk... and ordered one!
7) I found a Carlisle 300 for $9.99 plus $19 S&H online.. and now it is on the way! If it doesn't work.. I will GooKit it once it shows up (BTW... what lamp does the Carlisle 300 take?)
8) My Telstar arrived!

This all happened in about a week... my wife is going to think I went nuts when the rest of the boxes show up (GooKit... 1975 Carlisle... glitter globe)

The Telstar is so cool... the photo I attached doesn't do it justice at all. I may be going to London for a meeting.. need to see if I can buy another Mathmos in-person... I could rewire it!

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THATS IT YOUR HOOKED lol !! sorry but there is no hope for you !! its beautiful ! .

A Telstar was my first Mathmos lamp as well.

If you like the Telstar then you will probably LOVE a Mathmos Lunar!

You should look for a Lunar for sale when you are in London.

No need to rewire UK lamps as you can use an easy to find power converter instead. 

I probably am hooked. Here is the Telstar the next morning...
The wax looks purple when it is cool. I think my special certificate says that this is lamp 292 of 500 in the US or something.
Wow... The lunar is a monster! I will probably only be able to get an Astro if I am very lucky and time things just right.

Gotta love the streamlined Telstars... enjoy CuckM  :)

I love my Telstars, ChuckM, good for you!!   BTW, that Carlisle was a "steal" at that price!   ;-)

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