Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My review of Lava Lite's new "Designer" 32 oz. lamp

Received my new 32 oz. "Designer" lamp from LL today. Shipping was fast and item was packed well. Customer service was good - I had to cancel and re-order to apply a discount. No problems there. 


Globe color: clear/redNumbers on lamp: H4200, 11032401 D (date assembled must be March 24th, 2011). Cap has white and red sticker. 

Price paid: $34 shipped (with 10% discount)

The globe, much to my disappointment, was slightly cloudy. However, it was warm today and I really do expect that it might clear up. The clouding isn't as horrible as some I've seen, for sure. What's a little unsettling (pun intended?) is the fuzzies floating around in globe.

Upon first run, I can see some of these little floaties moving around in the liquid. 

 The finish is fairly cheap-feeling, but OK. Nice to see something new, I guess. I haven't owned any of the 20 oz. globes, but Autumn tells me the finish looks to be the same. The holes arount the base are a nice touch, but are a tad higher than the image sown on Lava Lite's website. 

My verdict for now? Don't buy (yet).


Rating as of right now: 6

I am running the lamp now for the first time. Updates to follow.


VIDEO of said floaties: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPQyBXKaqVM 

Day two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSlLvW0MGBk 


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I don't get it either. I follow their Facebook page and am constantly puzzled by their "fans". Thousands of people "like" them and their goofy posts. They almost never post pics of their product, and when they do, they are digital renderings. And people seem to love the crap they produce. Just don't get it. I really can't understand the attraction. I do not know how they stay in business. 

I see the pics people post on their Facebook page and I wonder if they just don't know what a good lamp is supposed to look like. 

Meh, what do I care? If people want cheap crappy stuff made in China, so be it. I gave up on them awhile back. I just watch from afar, perplexed as to how they are still in business. 

It's because they do not know better.  

Once you have experience the better quality of older Lava Lite/Lava World/Lava Simplex products.

Then you realize how poor the current products are. 

Once you start seeing the quality and variance of Mathmos flow, you appreciate the quality and the funding becomes easier to justify. 

It's a learning experience.

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