Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I need someone who knows how to fix rain lamps. The motor isn't running in mine and i have no expertise in these willing to pay for the fix and to have it shipped there!!!

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Soak it in water, disassemble it and scrub it. Sometimes they clog up and seize because of the crap in them and just need to be cleaned.

I dissasembled it and the motor doesn't even make an effort at moving doesn't make a sound or anything and i scrubbed down all of the really oily parts. I also put water in the bottom to test it out that's when i realized the motor wasn't trying to work

The replacement parts for these are very scarce...The motors and pumps were known to go bad in these as people did not change out the oil regularly and they seized. what you can do is track down a rain lamp on ebay and buy it for parts for your existing lamp. These pumps were specially designed for these lamps and since all of the companies are no longer in business so are the availibility on replacement parts. You are in the same boat most fiber fans are when their lamp ends up with a broken or a missing spray. you basically are stuck buying a whole other lamp for that one part you need. I used to deal with rain lamps a lot, good luck!!
Okay thanks i will turn with the motor what i do to fix furbys first

I would be interested in knowing how you fix Furbys. Love those furry little guys. ;) Do you speak Furbish Sam?

And there's a website I referred to once that tells how to fix the motor. Seems it's as simple as parts from a fish aquarium pump. I'll look it up and see if I can find it for you. :)

I open Up furbys and use a screw driver to move the gears i know how Fix them because i collect them i have over 50 furbys one we one that was only produced in Mexico in limited quantity

Yeah some of mine have gone mute. I think I have one of the first to come out and a few limited editions. Love how they interact with each other. Some used to come on in the middle of the night for no reason. Kinda creeped me out so I put them away. LOL I can't resist picking them up at rummages for a quarter still. And beanie babies. Still a little girl at heart I guess. :)

Who isn't i can give you the address of one off my friends who fixes mute furbys and give you as estimate they live in Mexico and also cleans them as well makes them look brand New. If you go on yahoo they have a group called ALOF adult lovers of furbys and I'm joined up with them and so isn't the Person who fixes them. The group is great

Don't worry, girls, I have a blue million beanie babies, and hubby just picked up a box of car parts for his rat rod project and a Furby was in it.   I've never seen a real one. This one has a purple plastic tag on its right side that says, "Furby Original" on one side and Tiger on the other.  Then it has a sewed-in cloth tag on opposite side of its body that says his name is "Tiger."   Also a paper hang tag is still on him with his name and a gang of stuff written on it.  He is cute as can be.  I know nothing about them, but if it comes on in the middle of the night like that dang "Chucky," it'll be toast!!!   LOL   I also hate clowns. UGH  Creep me out.  This Furby is a bit dirty from being in a box of car parts and I don't even know if it'll work.

I can fix it and i hate seeing furbys ruined. Also they are made by tiger toys company and its not to hard to clean if your me that is and i have beanie babies there awesome

If its the new smart phone Furby that came out this holiday season pull his tail over and over and over again.  Then pull it some more.  It will eventually get pissed and mutate before your eyes.

Marley's Ghost said:

Don't worry, girls, I have a blue million beanie babies, and hubby just picked up a box of car parts for his rat rod project and a Furby was in it.   I've never seen a real one. This one has a purple plastic tag on its right side that says, "Furby Original" on one side and Tiger on the other.  Then it has a sewed-in cloth tag on opposite side of its body that says his name is "Tiger."   Also a paper hang tag is still on him with his name and a gang of stuff written on it.  He is cute as can be.  I know nothing about them, but if it comes on in the middle of the night like that dang "Chucky," it'll be toast!!!   LOL   I also hate clowns. UGH  Creep me out.  This Furby is a bit dirty from being in a box of car parts and I don't even know if it'll work.

That sounds like your man eating cat, Jim.  I bet he was once a pissed off smart phone.
Jim said:

If its the new smart phone Furby that came out this holiday season pull his tail over and over and over again.  Then pull it some more.  It will eventually get pissed and mutate before your eyes.

Marley's Ghost said:

Don't worry, girls, I have a blue million beanie babies, and hubby just picked up a box of car parts for his rat rod project and a Furby was in it.   I've never seen a real one. This one has a purple plastic tag on its right side that says, "Furby Original" on one side and Tiger on the other.  Then it has a sewed-in cloth tag on opposite side of its body that says his name is "Tiger."   Also a paper hang tag is still on him with his name and a gang of stuff written on it.  He is cute as can be.  I know nothing about them, but if it comes on in the middle of the night like that dang "Chucky," it'll be toast!!!   LOL   I also hate clowns. UGH  Creep me out.  This Furby is a bit dirty from being in a box of car parts and I don't even know if it'll work.

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