Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Last night I was seeing these blue/white flashes of light like lightning. I asked everyone if they saw it too but they said I was crazy. An hour later the power went out. All those wonderful coloered lights were the power lines arcing and transformers blow throughout the neighborhood. Thanks to the snow storm. It does not look like we will be back on for a few days which is ludicris, but what can you do. I would love to be in chat, but my iPhone does not support flash. The only thing keeping me sane and in touch with the outside world. :)

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Must have been spectacular, like a plasma lamp maybe? Hope your on line service isnt down too long.

all the best
No, it was 6" of snow. Still do not have power. It's always a joke when this happens.
Same thing happened here (South Carolina), being this far south the whole state PANICS(!!!) when it snows. We got about a foot and you would think that the world has come to an end. I'm from the north, so I just laugh when it snows here. Our power was out for a while too. All that beautiful darkness and no power to run a single lamp to enjoy in the dark! Hope you have lights soon Kris!
Thanks Bert! The power came back on today at 5:40pm and boy was it GLORIOUS!

Same problem here when it snows or rains. People instantly become (what's a nice word for idiots?) well, you get the idea. It was eerily quiet. Too quiet for me.

Where in SC are you? We used to live in Beaufort.

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