Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

possibly no more craigslist, ebay, wiki and more?!?!?


and the more I read the more sites this could effect...  how could they do this?


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If this happens then it could really affect many things - not just sights like Craglist and wiki but many / the majority of websight's on the net and could end up with the internet being corporate controlled. this is completely agenced what the internet was made for and will affect many people.

I can't believe that the USA is considering this, i know that the west is capitalist but this is taking it way too far - its ridiculous

I think everyone on hear should sign the partition even if your not in the USA.http://americancensorship.org/modal/state-dept-petition/index.html

These bills are DOA.  Wait - maybe not.  Depends on can write a bigger check; the likes of the Googles, Wikipidias, etc. or the Hollywood entertainment industry. 

They are not totally DOA yet. 

Start reading Shawn and write your congresspeople. I wrote my congressmen, B Obama and signed a few petitions. This is some serious shit. Make your opinion known. 

These Texas politicians are all f'ed in the head.

Just something else that the Government has no business getting their noses into. Where's the Government when it comes to lowering gas prices?

Go to Google's home page and click on: Tell Congress: Please don't censor the web! All you have to do is type in your first and last name, email address and zip code, and you will have signed Google's petition

And, if you go to Wikipedia today, they've made it very easy to email your congressperson. 

 Somehow this will be pushed through under the guise of Homeland Security. The Feds can already shut down the internet with the touch of a button.Little by little....

Update on this guys - they have prosponed / droped the bill http://mashable.com/2012/01/20/sopa-is-dead-smith-pulls-bill/


Smart move.  This will only be a postponement as there is too much money at stake to simply look the other way.  They need to be more surgical with who they target and not cast such a wide net.

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