Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate



thinking i'm gonna grab this. the code on the cap is apparently smudged to the point of not being readable. it's been in a storage unit, but looks clear on the pictures, should i be concerned about that?


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I would be more concerned about the missing top cap instead of the smudged cap code. Its a US made globe and looks perfectly clear.
Upon questioning, they say it's about 16" tall and 11" diameter, which puts it at a smaller diameter than the 52oz on my desk, so probably a 32oz? Would I be able to use a cap from one of the bad 52oz ones I have in the closet work, or are the 32's significantly smaller at the top?

It is a 32oz lamp.

You cannot use a 52oz cap and have it look correctly.

Frankly, I would pass on this one unless you really like the base pattern allot and you can pick this one up directly. 

Chances of finding a full lamp on eBay in the $20-30 range are good.

Maybe even someone here would be willing to part with one.

I recently sold one in box for $20 or so.

Purtple and Blues are common.

Red and Green are like gold.

I was more enamored of the globe than the base, and they are within about 5 miles of me, so no worries with shipping.

The go for it!

Allot of good can be said for the older american made globes.

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