Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently recieved a rocket lamp and it is extremely cloudy. So rather than try and filter it i want to try and use a goo kit but im not sure how many ounces are in a lamp this size. The globe is 10 inches tall and roughly 9 inches around the base. And yes i know its a china lamp but theyre sending a replacement and i figured this cloudy lamp would be great for my first shot at tinkering with a lamp.

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I do not know how many ounces are in the lamp but I know an easy way to figure it out... Dump it into a measuring cup. You are gonna get rid of the liquid anyways. The manual that comes with the goo kit will tell you the proper goo to distilled water ratio. A little simple math on a calculator and bingo.
Sweet i cant wait to get a gookit and have at it. Just gotta figure out how i gonna get the cap off the bottle and back on again.

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