Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Random. Just doing some research on Lava Lite.

So, I've been chatting with Jonas about Lava Lite the company. I got curious and decided to Google them and see what I could find.

Here's where their import some of their lava lamps from:

Zhongshan Huaxing Lighting Co

Here are some of the websites that feature their products:




How did I find that out? Here:

Could be the 32oz. lamp:



Lava Lite is owned by Talon Merchant Capital.

Other info here, including execs: http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot....

Looks like the most current CEO took over in 2008.

Just thought I'd share. Kinda interesting to research them since so little is know. Also, been all over their website and they have a few bad links and an out-of-date catalog posted.



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Also, their catalog (no idea what year) shows these:

I take it these were never released?

Terrible, but not surprising. Ick.

Yes not surprising

I have to say my 2nd hand mettalic peace lava lamp is so much better then that.

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