I have found a spring shop that has the high grade stainless to make coils for lavas.He makes springs for a local cheese factory and the railroad. Till today he had never seen a lava lamp and was really getting into it. He is an Amish man and says that the price would come down with quantity, but not his quality.Let me know if anyone has any interest in them. Thank You Nancy
Yes they do his shop is run on compressed air and solar power. A lot depends on what the groups bishops allow.We have some that are really hardcore and others the middle of the road. It was like watching a kid with a new toy the awe that was on his face.But he is good at what he does , he checked out a coil from the old century and it had properties of the high grade stainless, as compared to the newer coil that was more steel. Any way he is going to make a couple samples for me. Would you like to try one ?
Nancy, I think that there would be a fair-size market for these. If you have an idea of price that would help us make an informed judgement as to whether it would be worth it.
Permalink Reply by Lars on August 25, 2009 at 6:22pm
I'm interested in this as well...... When we visited my sister-in-law in Penn. awhile back, we drove around in Amish country and let me tell you.. those buggy's can really get moving when they want. Big farms... big modern farm houses... middle of summer... VERY hot.. and all the windows are open... wash hanging on the line, white shirts... dedicated folks..