Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm guessing a lot of you folks are checking the thrift stores, flea markets, yard sales etc. for lava lamps.  sometimes I get lucky.  Tell me about your favorite finds.

in the last week or so I've been looking for anything wild.  I found an infinity mirror light in a hard to reach/see area of a good thrift store in amish country.  The bulbs were burned out, and I found some 7v mini bulbs today.  It looks great, maybe from the 60s-80s.

and yesterday I met someone from the letgo app. and picked up a lava (the left one) for 15 delivered.  Oh Yeah and that mirror light was only $2.50 and the bulbs were two bucks.

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Got to be careful with Craiglist, it has a reputation.

25 watt for glitter

40 watt for lava

If the glitter is nearly worn out and slow, then go 40 watt

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