Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Insufficient funds.... right on my effing doorstep... 15min drive... this auction will 'rocket'... 

The sea in my eyes...   


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Nothing is impossible.

Find a way - make it yours!

You still have 7 days to come up with a plan to raise the money.

Could be a limited amount of bidders due to pickup only.

Love on ya MH...Make it mine ;)

MileHigh said:

Nothing is impossible.

Yeah but yeah... re-chromed shiney minty and two bottles turquoise and pink got to be £1,000 easy !

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Love on ya MH...Make it mine ;)

MileHigh said:

Nothing is impossible.

I say £1,400 squids... and will sell for double that next year!!!

If you'll pick it up and ship it to the US, I'll pay for it, give you the pink bottle, and pay you some extra for the effort.  :)

I will get back to you Verax in pm... I have been very lucky on here and believe in Karma... I will be more than happy to pay it forward.
Verax said:

If you'll pick it up and ship it to the US, I'll pay for it, give you the pink bottle, and pay you some extra for the effort.  :)

ooohh!!  :)

Much love to you from across the pond! :)  

£560 and counting ... Nice Lunar :-)

The rechromed Lunar with extra lava bottle sold for GBP 1,131.11 = Approximately US $1,761.03

Might have sold for even more if the seller had offered shipping.


Wow, that's a lot of cashola!!!!!!

Yeah, I was watching it like a hawk, and bowed out after it got passed $1200 USD.  :(

It would be interesting to know the cost of a Lunar re-chrome!

Shame you had to bow out Verax  :(

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