Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi, Since I discovered this page, I have been reading and experimenting on making my lava lamps. I am using the patent formula. I just want to share some things I have discovered along the way.
First, I keep reading that the patent indicates that the liquid has 70% water and 30% slip agent.
I think its not ment to be taken like that. The incidations on the patent are kind of messed up, in every part you can think one thing and then another. So I focused on the part that says "...the device of claim 1 wherein the amoint of additive is 30% of the water". When I read this, I dont see it as water 70% and the "aditive" a 30%, I see it as any given amount of water and we calculate the 30% of that and thats what we will add of the other "aditive"...it might look the same, but it actually is different.

Also I tried making the ooze with mineral oil, paraffin and perc. Just having trouble setting it just right.... when its starting to heat It "grows" and all but, never have got it to flow up and down... I will try with another light bulb.

I am trying one sufractant from regular liquid dish soap. I think its called Lauril. and es making the lava flow better and no cloudy liquid.

Here is a picture of mt progress.... the bottle is kind of dirty, but I am still testing my ingredients.

UPDATE 22 Nov 08
Ok, So I managed to work with some dove soap, (will try the x-rain in the coming days) and I made my blue bottle lava lamp flow right! I also discovered that using different bulbs generate different bubble size and movement.
with a 25W I get a similar function to the original, a 60W makes some big bubbles, while a 75W makes many sized bubbles... I really liked this one on the Blue Bottle.
I also have worked the lamp now for almost 2 day, the liquid stays clear... the ooze is working without changes (on my previous lamps the ooze flaked, or stoped working).....
I did not expect the lamp to work with different bulbs, since the ooze should stay on the top if the bulb is too hot, but I dont know why this one is working with every bulb and temperature, tried to time the flow and its about the same with every temperature level, with the only difference that with more watts, and more temperature, the ooze bubbles more.

UPDATE 23 Nov 08
Ok Now I am on a roll, I think I got the hang of it... and made another on a bacardi bottle, I put some dye into it this time. I used green, and I think it is kind of a cheap dye, cause the goo is green a normal temperature, but once it starts to heat it turns red.... not that bad, cause te goo turns slightly to green when reaching the top of the bottle... so now using a "cheap" dye I am getting a color shifting goo.....



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Looks like your water is too heavy as it's just flowing to the top and staying there. When that happens to me I slowly spray perk into the floating goo until it all sinks to the bottom, but you have to be very careful. What was the ingredient you added that made the goo opaque?
hi, Actually the water is not that heavy, I think the Ooze is too light. I am experimenting making increments in 0.005 in density. I have like too much time and always like to dedicate time to the stuff I experiment with.

Have made some interesting findings.

A.- I am trying to aim my liquid to a 1.0095 density, and my ooze am now experimenting with a density around 1.022

B.-Have tried almost every chemical recomended to be used in the liquid as an "aditive" and got it to flow better combining Propylene Glycol, Glycerin and regular Tap water. Making it with a density around 1.00948
For this I set a quantity, then using this porcentages I get that density:
70% water 10%Glycerin and 20% Polypropylene Glycol

C. The ooze is the tricky part. I read on the patent that the coeficient of expansion of th ooze at working temperature (around 50 C) is about 0.00068. This is when I decided to use mineral oil, soft paraffin (vaseline), paraffin and Perchloryethylene (perc). So I got some data on the coefficient of thermal expansion of each, and the best combination I got to make the resulting ooze close to 0.00068 @ 50C is:
23% Perc + 46.2%Mineral Oil + 15.4%Soft Paraffin or Vaseline + 15.4%Paraffin.

D. The lamp I am using is a bacardi bottle with a modified aluminiun wine cooler, with a 25w bulb... and the ooze is melting right, but just floats to the top and doesnt come down.

E. The ooze is opaque, cause I really dont know why... I bought the cheapest paraffin and the say it comes a little dirty (I actually like it when it looks transparent so I will try with a better quality next time), and I also think the vaseline has something to do with it. I have not added color but when I get it to flow the right way, I will see how this "opaque" ooze turns out. I read somewhere that you could use carnauba wax, but I dont think its a good choice of wax for these kind of experimentation. (the properties are off the working range I am into).

E. The coil, well I have tried everything.. the only shape that works best for me (visualy making the ooze move faster because the heat it passes) is a 7mm diameter, with 2mm spacing between each spiral.

I am really adicted to these kind of hobbies, and like to share the info I get..... hope someone has something to say or comment. i will post again when I get results with the next ooze I will make (density around 1.035).

Sorry for my english, not my primary language since a long time.....

Ok some progress.... I kind of messed the coil when I tried to put it inside, but am working with a new bottle, and white ooze. Still not very pleased with the sufractant I am using, anyone not using liquid soap? I have tried with every liquid soap available to me and no matter how I add it, it always "clouds" the liquid a little. The One I used seems to work, but not as good.
Hello Jose!
I have been wanting to try making my own lamps....but I just haven't gotten the time yet. I have a booklet that I bought on the internet a few years ago. It tells different recipes for the goo and the water. I would be willing to get copies made of it (about 20 pages) and mail them to you if you would pay the cost of the copies and postage. There are some good ideas, as well as a break down of the percentages of ingredients. Just an idea....I love to meet & help creative people!
Maybe vaseline does have some opaque qualities to it. I've never thought of using it. I've been thinking of what would make a good surfactant, and I've come up with 'Rain-X'. I don't have any and can't try it, plus I'm not making a lamp right now, but wouldn't it work? I'm not sure if it dissolves in water. The surfactants I've tried always leave stringy floaters in the solution, and I dilute it really well too. It's crystal clear when I put it in. You have to cycle the lamp a few times until your ooze is bubble free also. Good luck with your projects!
Bert, that would be great, but I live in Mexico right now, I do have a "forward" P.O. BOx that brings my mails and stuff I order on the internet from de USA to my home in Mexico, but how can I pay you the copies? (I am interested!).
How about scanning the booklet and posting it? Or better yet make a PDF file out of it?

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