Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We've had a few spammers lately and some members do not know best how to get a hold of a mod. Unfortunately, I think you have to "friend" someone to message them. I know that can be a pain, so we'll just post info here so spammers can be taken care of quickly.

If you've been getting bothersome messages from someone, please post their ID/page here and we'll take a look and see if the account needs to be suspended. 

Known spammers: Stella Kwale and Frank Kwabena. I am sure these aren't even real people, but their accounts come around every now and again. 

Any questions - please post them here. 

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OozingLAVA.com is not our site. OozingGOO is ours. You will need to take up these complaints with a moderator from their forum. 

In case anyone does not know who is on the mod team. Friend us and send us a message or post here. I'll be following this post so I'll get updates if anyone posts anything.


Dr. WHAT?!




Spam 2/15/17




Chow said:

I will ban him Chow :)

I just suspended them all.

Hitting hard tonight



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