Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

hi guys

i heard on the news today that uk are stopping the selling and making of the 60w light bulb, could this be the end of lava as we know it ........

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There are may kind of shapes of a 60W bulb not just the standard, so we have to take this into account .... I think those of us who only collect lava lamps also have to remember the retro Vintage household lamps of the 60's in general for which there is still many in use.


I think this is gonna raise it's own problems for people in Europe as a whole for when we run out for the 60W & the now banned 100W ( as of last year ) How many of us are going to look to the internet & "black market" for the non UK freindly & possibly very dangerous fire risk bulb???

I think it will defuntly change the design of lava lamps but i am sure you will be able to get hold of lamps off ebay etc but at a higher cost from people who have stockpiled them.

I think there will pobabley be a rise in 'black market' sales of bulbs from china etc where less strict regulations apply.


almighty dimmer switches might be a solution if we are forced to used stronger bulbs..
Some incandescents have been phased out there, but people are really not liking the change. Despite being more "green", CFL bulbs just haven't caught on here.
Are 100 watt lunar bulbs really fazed out guys??? Do i need to bulk buy for my Lunars xx
Yes stock up!

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