Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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That is indeed hilarious! I wonder what people are thinking when they do this...

I know what they think when they buy it new, and leave it in the box a couple of months ;-)

OMG, first off, I can barely make it home with my lamps b4 I wanna get um going!!!  How can ppl leave them in the box?  I know, I know.  They figure they'll get rich quick selling lava lamps.  This past Wednesday I waited in the heat out front of my house panting like one of my dogs and salivating waiting for the mail lady!!!  lol!!  Sooo, I'm not good here, but what is that in US $$?  Still close to 400.00 right?  As much as I would luv a Mathmos, my god!!

Hey, I saw a real funny one on there.  75.00 I think it was for a 1960's lamp.  Okayyeee, it was 1/2 full!!  and they state in great condition!!  Maybe they figure collector's will buy it for the globe and regoo?  I'm too much of a newb to know what these ppl think about lava lamps.....guys???  Those lamps you see either half full but globe in good shape, but liquid bad or lava fried, is that what they figure?  A regoo project?

OMG!!! It's more then 400 us $$$!!!  I just fainted!!!

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