Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Here are a couple pictures of the new LL line that are Spencer's only exclusives lamps. Should be available soon probably Aug or Sept. Whether they'll be good flowing lamps or not is a mystery (but most likely the same old shitty flow) some of the colors are pretty cool though. There is also 2 new globe color combos. A Midnight Blue / White and a Champange Red / White.






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Although I swore off buying any further LL China junk, I bought one of the Spencer exclusive colors today, a 52oz clear/pink. Actually I thought the pink color would be like the cap #14 globes, but it's a much deeper pink like magenta. There's bits of stuff (not wax) floating in the liquid that never melted, it has the expected typical China flow of round blobs. Then, at the 3 hour mark, it was already overheated with all the lava up at the top and no more flow. Now it's sitting on my dining room table unplugged as I debate whether to go back and get a refund or keep it.


I like that base. Hmmmm. I'm going to have to go check out my Spencer's today.
My spencers still does not have any new lamps. They still have some orange/blacks though. I noticed they didnt have any lamps in a spot they could be grabbed. I dont think they are selling any.
My Spencer's also does not have the new Designer lamps. Just the same crap. I did find one orange/black and bought it. It looks awful.
Hit the three closest Spencers to me and notta.  Same to the orange/black, but already have a nice one so don't need a 2nd.  The next furthest Spencers is most likely the one Lamphead went to.  Simply not worth the drive to be honest.  Most Spencer's around here get shipments on Mondays so you may want to call on Tuesday.
I also noticed regular target didnt have anything new. I have had one of those days where everything went wrong so I didnt feel like driving 20 minutes to go to the super target. After hearing about the finish on the yellow lamps I want one, maybe tomorrow.
I've not seen them any place - Kmart, Super Target, Spencer's, Bed, Bath & Beyond. Then again, I live in IOWA.
I bought a yellow designer from Target over the weekend.  Last one in the Designers of any color.  I like the base and its finish but the globe is awful. 

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